Top tips for keeping your site fresh and current (and bringing people back for more!)

A great website needs your support. It’s not good enough to build it and expect it to fend for itself. Like a plant your website needs some care and attention for it to grow and flourish. Your initial investment will be wasted if you don’t keep an eye on it.

Read and answer email at least once a day
A good website will have some way of allowing people to contact you with questions. To keep customers happy, plan to answer all email within 24 hours or less. If you don't answer your email in a timely fashion, your customers are likely to have little difficulty finding one of your competitors on the web.

Keep your site current
Come up with a reason for people to visit and revisit your pages and recommend them to their friends. This could be a series of articles giving tips, a blog about your subject, handy forms and DIY info or anything that will make people bookmark your site to come back later.

Make sure your site is up to date
If you’ve got an ad on your front page for a sale that ended three months ago then chances are that people are going to think that you don’t care about your site and are less likely to trust you. Make sure you take down out-of-date information as well as adding new stuff.

Check your stats – there’s more to it than just how many hits you get
So you’ve got yourself a website. But how do you know how well it is doing? Your web stats will give you information about how many people visit your site. This is a useful starting point but visitor numbers are only the tip of the iceberg. Details of the search keywords and phrases that people are using to find you and information on how long they stay on your site and how they navigate around your site are pure gold and will help you adjust your site to get better results.